Beijing · family · fun times

Beijing Part 2: Shopping Malls & Photo Shoots

Xidan, my favourite place!Hello friends! I think before it is out of date, I better continue with the stories of my first trip to Beijing… Well, this time I will tell you about the shopping malls.

Beijing is FULL of shopping malls and shops. Almost every corner of the city has ‘at least’ one shopping mall. When we think of shopping in China, we immediately ‘say’ the word ‘cheap’ in our minds, but, beware! Nowadays, they have some really posh and expensive shopping malls, too, in Beijing. The city grows so fast that a lot of international brands (e.g. D&G, Morgan, etc) open their branches in China, especially Beijing. Lan says that even if I take one whole year to intentionally visit all the shopping malls in Beijing, it will never be enough, because they keep building new shopping malls around the city. So, maybe I should take my whole life time to visit all those shopping malls hehehe
I am very blessed that I have Lan as my husband, he is my greatest guide to go around Beijing to find cheap stuffs hahahaha… So, while I was there, I bought some summer clothes, new pairs of shoes (my old shoes had holes in it that water got in, every time it rains >.<), in addition, bought some gifts for my parents and family.Wang Fu JingIt was sad that my family cannot come to Beijing at the same time as us… Papi (my dad) is having a financial difficulty right now and, at the same time, he has to pay Erwin’s tuition fee (my brother who is studying his last year of Architecture in Brighton). Thank God, Papa and Mama understood the reason why…
Well, there would be still plenty of chances for them to visit Beijing. We are right now saving in hope that one day we can take Papi, Mami and my brothers sister to visit Beijing.

Another important thing, apart from meeting Lan’s family, to do in Beijing was wedding photo shoots (27 March 2008). Yep, another one. Lan wanted to have photos of us wearing the traditional Chinese wedding dress. So, Mama booked for a Wedding photo package in one of the best photo studios in Beijing. Thumbs up for Mama’s choice, the photo studio’s service is great, the photos are very good and the photographers (and the staffs) are very very friendly. We were very pleased with the photos.
It was one whole day full of photo shoots, some indoors, some outdoors. Lan and I were very very tired that I felt sick (I caught a cold)! But, it was fully worth it, although we agree that once is enough, never again we want to do that kind of photo shoots!! Too tiring >.<
We are very excited to get the final photos, which will be picked up by Mama on 28 April 2008 (next Monday). Hopefully we will be able to share the photos with you all πŸ™‚

17 thoughts on “Beijing Part 2: Shopping Malls & Photo Shoots

  1. huaaa, Beijing ternyata juga jadi makin modern yah, kirain di China Shang Hai doang tu yg kemajuannya super pesat (soalnya Shang Hai kan di pinggir laut).Jadi pengen ke Beijing neh one day, haha…wah, baru mau nanya fotonya mana ternyata lg diproses toh, hehehehe… πŸ™‚ Pingin liat neh… πŸ™‚

  2. China memang berkembang sangat pesat ya. Di mana-mana malls? duhh…ijo deh mata..hihihi..Lan suka aja gak diajak shopping? (ya iyalah, wong sama istri tercintah)Penasaran juga pengen liat foto2nya..

  3. wua kaya jkt jg donk yaaa mall mall mall..emang dimanaΒ² org byk yg demen belanja, iheiheihe..oooo cannot wait to see the pictureesss, buruuu!!JuJu

  4. Sherlyyy, gw baikk hehe uda lama banget yah ga bersua tawnya sekarang uda nikah lhoo =D enak banget ke Beijing, kpn2 pengen ah kesana! gw di Taiwan skrg =P

  5. mumpung masih belum berbuntut, dipuas2in jalan2 nya Shier, jadi puas liat dunia dan perbedaannya. Dulu 8 th lalu waktu kita jalan2 kesana, Beijing belum seperti yang kamu ceritakan lho Shier. Begitu pesat kemajuannya yah…

  6. Aih…bikin sirik aja…shoppin di beijing…*kapanyabisashopindiantersherly..kan sekarang dirimu juga udah tau dong tempat yg mura2* btw, ikut penasaran liat foto wedingnya…

  7. Wah, tempat yang cocok buat mamaku! :-DBakalan merasa ada di surganya dunia karena di mana-mana ada shopping mall, hehehe.Ditunggu ya, foto-fotonya! Penasaran… :-p

  8. Hello! I came across your blog when I was searching for a photo studio in Beijing. I’ll be visiting Beijing for the first time with my husband…would you be able to provide me with name of the photo studio? thanks !!

  9. hey there:) aku juga baru baru search di google dan bertemu dengan blog kamu): wah selamat ya semua sempunrna;) so… kalo bisa berabagi info πŸ˜‰ aku juga mo ke beijign foto pre wed berhubung calonku ga bisa ke indo πŸ™‚ hehehehe…kira2 dimana nih foto pre wed nya soale aku buta sama sekali ttg beijign:) thx ya πŸ˜‰ kira2 email aku ke ajah:) thx alot ya Jeng:) GBU

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