JHZ · this n that

Oh! Hi!

Nope, I haven’t forgotten about my poor blog! Neither am I abandoning it…
I’ve just been really really really busy with this little handsome boy of mine! He’s growing too fast, even when I am giving it my all to enjoy his baby-hood to the fullest!
Ah… motherhood! Bittersweet, but mostly sweet!!! 🙂

Here is a photo of baby boy with beloved grandpa.

8 thoughts on “Oh! Hi!

  1. Sherly! congrats!
    lama banget nggak mampir ternyata pindah blog ya… sampai kesini gara2 nostalgia lihat2 posting di corat-coret.

    Senangnya, selamat jadi mommy, semoga baby boy sehat. Keep breastfeeding for your precious ya!

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