Beijing · family · fun times

Beijing Part 1: Food Food Food! (esp. QJD)

Let’s continue with the stories of my first trip to Beijing… OK, this time it is about FOOD! Something that you imagine and drool of when you think about going to China.

Beijing, in particular, they have all sorts of food. You name it, it will be there; from the old traditional Chinese food, American, Italian, Korean, Japanese, even Russian!
Three or four years ago, while I was studying Mandarin for fun, my teacher told me that, if one day I go to Beijing, I have to try ‘kao ya rou’ (a.k.a Peking Duck). Well, never did I plan it, but The Lord takes me to Beijing somehow, after meeting my beloved husband πŸ™‚
When I came to Beijing, Mama Papa had a list of places I must go to, one of them is the Peking Duck (the famous Quan Ju De/QJD). So, one of our days there, Mama Papa really took me there, Lao Ye (grandpa) and Lao Lao (grandma) were also there. They said they came for me *they are so sweet and lovely…*

We took subway from home to QJD. The entrance door was the spinning door with a big yellow duck statue next to it. When I went in, it was a square room; two lifts at my right hand side and another door at my left. In that particular room, they have several seats for people, who have to queue. At that time, Lao Ye was seating there waiting for us, while Lao Lao was inside waiting at our dining table.
Lan whispered to me, “The restaurant can be booked for up-to-1500-people dinner!” Wow!
He said, presidents and high ranking officers from around the world, when they come to Beijing, always never miss the Restaurant and they have special dining rooms for those particular people in the higher floors.

It was around 11 o’clock, but, as soon as I enter the dining room from the door at my left hand side of the previous room, the noise of people is overwhelming! It was full of people! They sure are really popular! Food comes in no time, as if they cook it only in 5 seconds.
Believe their fame, they are really good! No ducks can compare their ducks.

By the time we finished eating, it was lunch time (of course, we were full already!). At that lobby of the restaurant, a lot of people queue! The lobby was full of people… so, you can imagine, how popular it is!

Enough about QJD, in case I make you drool uncontrollably and you will blame me for that.
While home, we did not always go out to eat. We had plenty of times eating Mama and Papa’s cooking. It was like… coming back to my own home. I love their cookings! Turnip soup, noodle soup (Mian Dang), and some stir-fries. Ah… this posting makes me want to go back to Beijing…
I ate plenty of Mantau *yum!*, drank plenty of soya milk and got my stomach really full with good food! Hehehe…

And… by the time we were going home, Mama said to me “You become fatterrounder compared to when you first arrived!” Oh noooooooooooo….

18 thoughts on “Beijing Part 1: Food Food Food! (esp. QJD)

  1. huaaa, Peking Duck, jadi pengeeennn… . Keren ya tu 5 detik dah jadi, WOW!! Ga heran rame, enak bgt yah?? Dari dulu pengen nyoba tp kaga kesampean neh. Pas itu mamaku ultah dan makan Peking Duck di Solo eh pas itu aku lagi berhalangan gabisa ikut gara2 ikut pelatihan mat, damn. btw, katanya Peking Duck itu sebenernya Roast Duck yah? Tapi cara makannya beda gitu, hmmm… . Kalo Peking Duck pake sayur?? hmmm…

  2. I love chinese food! Really… Katanya ada nilai filosofinya di hampir tiap masakan. Huhu, ngomongin makanan jadi laper kak… Subuh2 gini ada yg jualan gak ya?Kabur ah liat warung dekat rumah… Surabaya breakfast = Nasi Pecel. Hehe…

  3. sher..lihat hidupmu tuh aku ngiri banget hiks..hiks..abis kamu bisa travelling melulu nangis nih ^_^ bisa makan2 gitu lagi..ayo bagi donggpp…dinikmatin tuh hidup, mumpung belum ada yang ngikut di belakang dan berkata ‘ikut mama!’

  4. ah…ga kaci…ngiler banget nih sama menu2nya, secara gitu ya, aku tuh demen banget chinese food, apalagi bebek… salam ya ama kelg beijing..heheh

  5. waakwakwakakakk..kalimat terakhirnye dunk yg mama in law lu blg hueheheheh..gpp Sherl, namanya jg liburan bo hajar terus tuh makanan huhehehehehhhhh..sayang di sayang dakuw gak doyan bebek, jd gak ngiler deh hihihihi. Ngilernya yg soup itu πŸ˜‰

  6. OMG sher..i cant help it!pgn banget ke resto chinese di chinatown NY yg jual masakan2 seafood gitu.. dan di servenya ky di foto2mu itu..mau mau mauuuuu!

  7. hahaha..emang naik berapa kilo Sher?? :)Gak pa pa, namanya juga menikmati liburan!Utk lunch aja restonya sampe penuh gitu ya, sampe ngantri..ckk..ckk..Btw, Lan itu anak satu2nya ya?

  8. jangankan di china, di singapore aja peking ducknya enak hehhehe waktu itu aku gak tau, begitu dikasi tau, aneh juga eh makan duck. baru pertama kali sih. ngebayanginnya geli

  9. Christian Indonesian Blogger Festival (CIBfest) 2008 telah melahirkan animo besar dalam blogosphere Kristiani Indonesia semenjak launching pada akhir Maret 2008. Animo besar dalam online event gathering yang bervisi-misi Menjadi Garam dan Terang Dalam Suara Baru Indonesia ini bertujuan menciptakan iklim nge-blog yang positif dan menebarkan kasih di dunia maya; sehingga lewat blog dapat menjadi media ekspresi baru yang mampu menyuarakan pikiran, pendapat, kreativitas dan perasaan para blogger Kristen Indonesia. CIBfest 2008 diselenggarakan oleh Jawaban.Com ( adalah divisi pelayanan media internet dari Cahaya Bagi Negeri (CBN) yang merupakan yayasan non-profit yang berfokus pada pelayanan media broadcasting. Jadi jangan lewatkan untuk menjadi bagian dari CIBfest 2008 ini, bergabunglah dan mari mengambil bagian untuk Menjadi Garam dan Terang Dalam Suara Baru Indonesia. Untuk bergabung silahkan langsung klik

  10. Emang asyik2 ya masakan di sono? Meski sering makan Chinese Food, tapi waktu sempat ke sono dulu, eh.. koq masih banyak juga makanan yang tidak aku kenal sebelumnya. Met menikmati liburan ya..lupain masalah timbangan dulu.. yang penting dinikmati.salam.susana

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