Michelle Batton CT · scrapbook · scrapbook freebie

Merry and Bright + a freebie

Hi ya!!! Can you believe that Christmas is only a MONTH away?! I know! Time flies crazily… It’s almost a new year again! Gosh, where did time go?!
Anyhow, today, Michelle Batton has released a new Christmas-y mini kit called “Merry and Bright”. As you see from the preview below, it’s not the usual-traditional (red-green-gold) Christmas kit, but it’s awesome! I love the bright blue and green in this! Totally gorgeous and versatile, even for some non-Christmas themed layout.

Here is an LO I’ve made with this kit:

Pencil Lines template 161
Merry and Bright by Michelle Batton Designs at The Digi Chick
Fonts: Arial, MTF Under Your Skin and MTF Base Outline by Miss Tiina

What’s even more fantastic is that she’s having a 20% SALE through 29th November for everything in the shop! Isn’t that a bargain?!

Oh oh, and we have a freebie for you! I’ve made this December desktop wallpaper using Merry and Bright and there are 2 sizes available: 1024×768 and 1280×800. The only catch is that you have to go to Michelle’s blog to grab them! So, what are you waiting for? Go to her blog and her shop and have a blast!

5 thoughts on “Merry and Bright + a freebie

  1. Iya ni tiba2 cepet banget tau2 tahun ini uda mau berakhir aja, haha… . Tapi aku malah berharap cepetan Natal ni, soalnya pas libur nanti skripsi dan sidang uda beres, sekarang harus membanting tulang dulu… 😦

  2. Sher… yg christmas bagus bgt, i loveee the colour.. biasanya christmas identik ama red and green, ini blue cakep… jadi mendinginkan badan, maklum di sini kan kl christmas itu summer christmas… :p

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