scrapbook freebie

Spring Blossom Quickpage Freebie

My friend, Nia, has been asking how I do this one layout from my post about our Leeds holiday. I tried to think about how to actually explain it to her… but I just found it difficult…

Hence, I worked a little bit on my layout, removed our photos and now give it as my second freebie. The zip file contains below preview plus a png file and a psd file of the layout, you can choose whichever one you want to work with. I kept the size as 3600×3600 pixels (around 51MB). Happy scrapbooking!

You can download it HERE or click on the photo above.
Please leave some love if you like what you see. πŸ™‚

8 thoughts on “Spring Blossom Quickpage Freebie

  1. sher… thx yach…. tp still need a lot of ur opinion nich… kalo kamu nga sibuk ntar aku coba kirimin foto wedding temen ku d… bole kan…. once again thx bgt yach…

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