
another "blog"work

Hari gini masih dapet quiz-quizan. Adaaaa aja deh yg mulai PR-PR kayak begini. Aku dapetnya dr Vivie, kebetulan aku lg ga ada bahan utk diposting hehehe… So here we go:
1. Record that change your life: Jeffry S. Tjhandra & Hillsong
2. Records you’ve listened more than once: Hmm… There are lots of them, for example: Meteor Garden I soundtrack, Hillsong Blessed, Live to Worship, etc.
3. Records that you just don’t understand: Rock, Metal, Punk Songs, I just hate them all. Can’t listen nor understand any of them. Too noisy!
4. Record that made you laugh: I can’t really think of any one of them, but I can say Project Pop was good one!
5. Records that made you cry: Worship Song & heart broken (sad) songs hehe…
6. Record that creeps the hell out of you: Black metal music and their kinds.
7. Record you wish had never been made: Anti Christ songs.
8. Records that you’ve just listened: Easy listening song, some nice pop songs (Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Phil Collins)
9. Record you’ve been meaning to buy (..or Steal): This one, well… lately I don’t even want to have any desire to buy CD, too expensive.
10. Nge-tag sapa yah………??? This one, no obligation, but I’d like to choose: Nia di Aussie & Mee-chan. 🙂

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